
Who is Eekko Haus anyway?

So you've come here to find out more about me...hopefully you're not a spai!

My name is Eekko Haus, and that's pronounced "Echo House".  Go ahead and say it five times...kind of rolls of the tongue doesn't it?

I am a Caldarian explorer, which means I like to fly into systems that are more dangerous than most, find relics and artifacts that I sell for big money (ISK), and occasionally (often) get blown up for being in sketchy space neighborhoods.

Like any good capsuleer, I enjoy a cool drink of Quafe when I am flying around New Eden space.  I've been known to keep a case or two in the cargo hold for those longer excursions, I find it keeps me alert and awake most of the time.

A Red Heron
My favorite ship is the Heron, one that I keep painted red.  Red. Heron...see what I did there? It's not the shiniest ship in New Eden, but it does what I need and is actually fun to fly.  I almost always have it fit with scanner probes, some drones for cannon fodder defense, and a festival launcher because fireworks.  I also have The Red Heron equipped with a microwarp drive, which means I can get to relic sites fast and (usually) escape pirates/bad guys just as fast.   Aside from hunting down relic sites I also enjoy sightseeing in New Eden.  There are many interesting places to visit so having a cloaking device helps.  Strange as it may seem some pilots in New Eden will blow you up just becuz.

Aside from The Red Heron my second favorite ship is my pod...because I get 'sploded a lot.

  I fly for the Signal Cartel which means I am not interested in holding any sovereignty over systems, but rather prefer to roam.  We are a neutral corporation and it's actually against our credo to take sides.  What's a credo you ask? What's our credo?
Check it out here.
Aside from being apolitical, we also plant rescue caches (there is not catch, its just a cahce...ha!!!) in wormhole systems so lost pilots can get out.  We do this for fun, because yes helping strangers is fun...true story. If you can imagine a space hippies in RVs you've pretty much nailed it.

That's me in a nutshell, I'll be posting my adventures/exploits/disasters/musings on this blog so keep checking back!

Fly safe and



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