Caldari designers and ironing boards...

If you're like me, you want to know what kind of ships I am flying. Or maybe you don't but still.. That's why I will start posting which ship I am currently piloting along with what I like and don't like about it.  Ready?  Here we go:

The first ship I purchased after my initial training is the know that Caldari (awesome) exploration ship that looks like the design engineers were hung over and stuck two ironing boards together?  Yeah that one.

What I like:
She's fast, turns on a dime, and is great at scanning.  She even has a decent drone bay that allows me to carry some light combat drones for self defense.  Oh yeah and I can cloak!  Cloaking allows me to hide from other ships (bad guys) scanners and keeps me hidden while I scan.

I've rigged the ship to boost my scanner probe strength (signals...hello!) so that I can spend less time scanning down signatures and more time discovering the hidden mysteries making money by selling rare artifacts. So I can buy more ships...and write more articles like this one....anyway

What I don't like: 
Paper thin shields/armor/hull.  Seriously sometimes I think my pod will get sucked out into space the hull is so thin!  Any ship bigger than a frigate can one-shot kill my poor Heron.  And speaking of paper thin hulls... guns.  None.  Nada.  You see, I've got this ship so tuned up for scanning that there simply wasn't any room left for guns.  Not that a flashlight laser would do anything anyway but still.  What's that?  I have combat drones you say?  Yes, while I have light combat  drones they are basically only good for taking out the weakest of pirates and not much more.  I use my drones as a delaying screen for me to warp away as fast as possible.  If there are any sentient drones from the Drone Regions reading my apologies?

Anyway, having a strangely looking ship isn't enough for me.  Nope.  I had to stand out even more so I went ahead and had a red paint job applied to this strange looking ship.  I personally love it...and to complete the circle of irony I of course named my ship:

The Red Heron
It's bigger on the inside...


  1. So, what is this SKIN called? I really like it!

    My favorite line? "If there are any sentient drones from the Drone Regions reading my apologies?" Ha!

    1. Hi Trhice! This skin is the Rata Sunset, I believe it is available on all Caldari ships...and you always have to be wary of those rouge


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