The Story Begins...

This tale begins not with a bang but rather a whimper...OK maybe a mild thump but still:

TLDR:  I am a Caldarian Explorer.  Deal with it.

My name is Eekko Hause, that's pronounced "Echo House"... clearly  my parents had a funny sense of humor and wanted to challenge my spelling skills.   I am Caldarian born and raised and for those of you who don't know us Caldarians are described as "living emblems of strength, persistence, and dignity".  You can read more about my people here.

I know most of you like pretty pictures so here is the Caldarian logo:
We are Caldari
So many lines, so can't stop looking at it right?  Some say it bears resemblance to a central comedy channel on holovision but I say nonsense.
You'll find this logo plastered on the sides of the ships my people manufacture - there's a push to get corporation or alliance logos on the ships instead but that's likely also just nonsense.

Our ships favor angular, usually non-symmetrical designs (because symmetry is soooo boring) and shields.  We love our shields.  I am wearing a shield right now...just saying.
Along with shields we also usually favor missiles or really long range rail guns - although don't take my word for it on the weapons I am just starting out.

Speaking of which, I grew up on Caldari Prime,  my father worked on warp engines and my mother was a stay at home slavedriver caretaker.  They did a great job of raising me, and as soon as I was old enough I applied to the School of Applied Knowledge (SAK) in the Todaki system.  I studied hard at the SAK and quickly realized I had a thing for the sciences...especially signal analysis.  I am not sure what it was, but I could hear patterns in the static long before any of my classmates could discern anything.  I went down the rabbit hole that is signal analytics and made some part time cash (ISK) repairing scanner probes.  I don't know what these explorers were doing with their probes, many of them had dents and marks suggesting they had been abruptly retrieved.  I would soon find out how abruptly when I started exploring myself.
Soon after my second year I was identified as  having "the right stuff" and so was offered to become a capsuleer.  If you don't know a capsuleer is a full-time space pilot who has his/her consciousness transferred into a clone.  They command spaceships by entering a pod, which houses neural and systemic connections to the ship they fly....and they're basically immortal.
A quick word about CEO Vuotikiura Ohko of the SAK: none of the candidates could ever pronounce his name properly so we started calling him CEO O.  He seemed to like it so it stuck.  CEO O was engaging with the cadets, yet he always seemed to have a stiff posture and oftentimes spoke in short concise sentences.  He's not the kind of guy that you think would be running a nerd college (the SAK) and we think he lost a very big bet at some point in his life:

Our fearless leader, CEO O
Midnight dorm inspections, marching in parade formations, questionable meals being served, and endless hours of study, life at the SAK was brutal. What we didn't realize then was that CEO O was setting us up to deal with the harsh realities of life in New Eden.  Just because you can't truly die as a capsuleer doesn't mean that you won't experience hardship and even pain in this universe.  Looking back he did a great job.

I was able to graduate with honors, and during our commencement speech our CEO Vuotikiura Ohko infamously said
"Go forth and don't get podded!" 
Referring of course to that awful moment when our ship gets destroyed, our life support/command pod gets ejected, and THEN our pod gets destroyed.  We awake in our clone bay in a fresh new body with (hopefully) all of our memories intact but lose any implants (skill implants people...skills) we may have been wearing.

Many of my capsuleer classmates dreamed of flying huge battleships and commanding armadas.  Me? I wanted to explore the unknown, see the ancient home worlds of New Eden's residents and discover new systems.  Some of my friends scoffed at the idea of being an explorer, stating there is no glory in it or that it's lonely with just you and your crew jumping through 50-70 star systems but I couldn't imagine anything more exciting.

After graduation, I flew some missions for the Caldari Government and then was recruited to join the Signal Cartel - a merry band of explorers who get their ships blown up by everyone else.  I couldn't have picked a better home, and there will be more on the Cartel later but to close this wall of text, here is a picture of me:
This is me...the poor photog had to work hard to get this pic

Thanks for reading this far, comment, subscribe, and check back for updates...this is just the beginning.


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